a Film by Rouven Rech, Gudrun Widlok
Germany | 2010 | Documentary | 99 min | Digibeta 16:9

Adopted describes the work of the project of the same name, which finds sponsors in Africa for adult Europeans without family ties.
Extended families in Ghana are already waiting for the imminent reunion with their new family members. Ludger from Berlin has only recently learned about Adopted.
Disappointed by his numb environment, isolated from friends and family, he has long been looking for a way out. Hesitantly, he takes part in Adopted and is selected sooner than expected. Thelma, on the other hand, has been waiting for the moment to leave for a long time. A family in Accra (Ghana) has already adopted her months ago and she is happy to finally be done with Germany. She packs her bags and gives away her furniture. Tomorrow she flies to Africa – maybe for good. Gisela is also excited. The last few years have not been easy for her, now she is trying to make the jump to a new life.
The film tells of the lives of the protagonists, their journey to Africa and a process of expected rapprochement as well as unavoidable misunderstandings.
Director: Rouven Rech, Gudrun Widlok
Camera: Grischa Schmitz
Cut: Julia Wiedwald
Sound: Oliver Stahn
Editorial: Doris Hepp
Production management: Andrea Ufer
Production: Teresa Renn, Gunter Hanfgarn
Co-produktion: Torero Film
Broadcast: ZDF/Arte
Sponsored by: Medienboard, MFG, FFA, Goethe-Institut, Filmförderung Bremen
Harmonica Award, Saratov Sufferings Filmfestival (Russland) 2011
Documentary Film Award, Filmschau Baden-Württemberg 2012

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