A Plumber for Every Need
a Film by Anastasia Vinokurova
Germany | 2012 | Documentary | 60 min
His visit is like a hurricane gust sweeping through the flat – and yet he is eagerly awaited by everyone, whether a successful businessman or a lonely pensioner. Because a leaking toilet bowl or a burst water pipe make no class distinctions. Andrei Noskov is a plumber in Moscow’s prefabricated housing district of Yasenevo and looks after 6 high-rise buildings – a total of 4,000 flats, almost 5 square kilometres of basements and just as much roof space. As an envoy of the state municipal system, Andrei has a firm grip on his clients and knows what is good for them. The film accompanies the plumbing Zerberus on his missions and gives an insight into the private sphere of the Moscow suburbs, which is normally kept from foreign eyes.
Book + Director: Anastasia Vinokurova
Cut: Gines Olivares
Editorial: Sonja Scheider, Monika Lobkowicz
Producer: Gunter Hanfgarn + Andrea Ufer
Production: Gunter Hanfgarn
Co-production: Telepool
Broadcast: : Bayerischer Rundfunk
2nd prize, documentary film script competition Telepool + BR, 2010
Documentary Award, Saratov Sufferings Filmfestival, 2012
Nomination Grimme-Preis, 2012

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