Road to La Paz
Argentinien/Holland | 2015 | Feature film| 92 min
Sebastián (35) has two passions: his favourite rock band Vox Dei and his ageing Peugeot 505 inherited from his father; everything else interests him little. Newly married and broke, he takes a job as a private chauffeur. One of his passengers is the elderly Muslim Jalil, who makes him an unusual offer: Sebastián is to drive Jalil to his brother in La Paz, 3,000 kilometres away – a job Sebastián cannot refuse because of the good pay. However, it soon drives him to despair – the old man chews garlic incessantly, only wants to listen to Arabic music and instead of making fast progress, they have to stop five times a day to pray. Jalil has planned the trip down to the last detail, but everything turns out quite differently.
Director & Writer: Francisco Varone
Camera: Cristian Cottet
Editor: Federico Peretti, Alberto Ponce
Producer: Gema Juarez Allen, Dolores Llosas, Juan Taratuto, Gunter Hanfgarn
Co-Production: Gema Films (Argentinien), Habbekrats (Niederlande), HANFGARN & UFER
Sponsored by: Incaa, Dutch Filmfond, EED/EZEF
Sebastian: Rodrigo de la Serna
Khalil: Ernesto Suarez
Jazmin: Elisa Carricajo
Bronze Alexander, Best Feature, Internationales Filmfestival Thessaloniki (Griechenland), 2015
Nomination best actor and best Debutfilm, Argentinian Academy Awards, 2015
Best Breakthrough Actor, Mar del Plata Filmfestival (Argentinien), 2015
Preis der Jury, Best Debutfilm, Filmfestival Genf (Schweiz), 2015
Busan International Film Festival (Südkorea)
Chicago International Film Festival (USA)
Göteborg International Film Festival (Schweden)
Cinelatino Filmfestival
Festival Latinoamerico de Sankt Gallen (Schweiz)
Vancouver Latin American Film Festival (Kanada)
Filmfest München
Latino Festival of San Diego (USA)
Cartagena Film Festival (Kolumbien)
Guadalajara International Film Festival (Mexiko)
Trailer (ES)

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