White Ghosts
Germany | 2004 | Documentary | 72 min | DVCPro50 16:9

100 years after the colonial war against the Herero in the German colony of South West Africa (now Namibia), the film sheds light on a dark chapter of German colonial history in Africa. Director Martin Baer and his protagonist Israel Kaunatjike travel to Namibia together. Israel, a Herero, was born in Okahandja, the capital of the Herero people. He lives in Berlin and, while researching this film, discovered a well-kept family secret: he has two German grandfathers. Both grandmothers had children of soldiers in the “protection troops”. Whether these pregnancies were the result of rape will forever remain unclear. According to the logic of German nationality law, Israel is German. For him, the history of colonialism is not over. His fair skin constantly reminds him that he is not just African. The colonial period is part of his personal history. As part of his research, the director also came into contact with his own family past in a completely unexpected way: his father’s ancestors, who had once come to the German Southwest as settlers, still live in Namibia and South Africa today.
Director: Martin Baer
With: Israel Kaunatjike
Script: Martin Baer
Camera: Martin Baer
Editing: Minze Tummescheid
Ton: Pierre Gaulke
Editorial Staff: Kathrin Brinkmann
Assistent: Uta von Debschitz
Production lead: Andrea Ufer
Production: Gunter Hanfgarn
Station: ZDF/arte
Funding: Goethe-Institut, Nordmedia
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