Who We Were
a film by Marc Bauder
Germany | 2021 | documentary | 114 min

What will future generations think of us once we have become history? In WHO WE WERE, we take a look at the contemporary state of the world and ask ourselves whether they might despair of us. Six thinkers and scientists reflect on the present and look ahead to the future.
Producer, director and writer Marc Bauder accompanies his conversation partners from the depths of the ocean into the vastness of space, illuminating along the way the incredible capabilities of the human brain, a global economic summit, the legacy of colonialism and the feelings of a robot.
This inspiring look at our world contains a hopeful message for all of us: it is in our hands to determine who we are, so long as we recognize our connectedness, our commonality, our “we”.
Director: Marc Bauder
Writer: Marc Bauder
Camera: Börres Weiffenbach
Editor: Stefan Stabenow
Producer: Marc Bauder
Co-producers: Gunter Hanfgarn, Andrea Ufer
Production: bauderfilm, Hanfgarn & Ufer
Best Documentary Film, Hessischer Filmpreis, 2020
Rheingold Audience Award, Festival des Dt. Films Ludwigshafen, 2021
Lichter Filmfest, 2021
Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin, 2021

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