Tacheles – The Heart of the Matter
a film by Jana Matthes und Andrea Schramm
Germany | 2020 | Documentary | 104 min

Yaar considers himself the least Jewish Jew in the world. He loves Star Wars and video games. He’s sick and tired of his father and his Holocaust stories. To distance himself from it, he develops a video game with resistant Jews and humanised Nazis. Then his own family history gets in the way.
TACHELES shows how the survivors’ trauma has an impact three generations later and poses a highly topical question from the perspective of a 21-year-old:
What does the Holocaust have to do with me today?
Directors: Jana Matthes, Andrea Schramm
Writers: Jana Matthes, Andrea Schramm
Camera: Lars Barthel, Johannes Thieme
Editor: Julia Wiedwald
Music: Bernd Jestram, The Notwist
Dramaturgical consultant: Tamara Trampe
Producers/production management: Gunter Hanfgarn, Jana Matthes, Andrea Schramm
Production: HANFGARN & UFER, SchrammMatthesFilm
Editorial: Katya Mader (3sat), Britta Windhoff (WDR)
Sponsored by: BKM, Jewish Claims Conference
Dokfest München
Kasseler Dokfest
Jüdische Filmtage Ff/M
Human Rights Watch FF, New York
Washington Jewish FF
Human Rights Watch Film Festival, London
Human Rights Watch Film Festival, Toronto in partnership with Hot Docs Cinema
Achtung Berlin FF
Nomination Dt. Dokumentarfilmpreis 2021
Nomination Clio / Festival of Moving History 2021
Preselection Dt Filmpreis 2022
Nomination Prix Europa 2022
Nomination Grimme-Preis 2023

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