Germany/France | 2001 | Dccumentary| 60 min | DVCPro50 4:3

“With the birth of my son, a new world opened up, with all its secrets, joys and pains, doubts and new insights, questions, tears and feelings of happiness…” An emotional documentary about the feelings and understanding of roles of young mothers in France and in Germany Based on the carnets photographiques of the German author, who has lived in Paris for 20 years, the film subjectively describes topics such as pregnancy and birth, breastfeeding and umbilical cord removal, and employment and relationships.
Director: Bettina Clasen
Script: Bettina Clasen
Camera: Muriel Lutz, Bettina Clasen
Editing: Silvia Beck
Scound: Cleancis Mendez
Editorial Staff: Sabine Rollberg
Production lead: Uwe Herpich (WDR)
Production: Gunter Hanfgarn
Station: WDR/arte
Prix Leonardo, 2003
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